Friday, May 30, 2008

ghosts ;)

So you’re standing on the ledge
It looks like you might fall
It’s so far down
Or maybe you were thinking about jumping…

Yeap, these are some lyrics. I do remember the song. I do remember it was on the soundtrack from “Dawson’s Creek” series (it was like... 8 years ago? o_O - I wish I had such a good memory for all the other stuff, heh). I do remember it’s melody and a voice of a singer, but hell, I have no idea what was that song and who is the singer.
Mind: “Ask Google! Google knows everything!”
Me: “Hehe! I always do that!”

Nine Days:
If I am

It came back to me while I was sitting on the ledge of the window in my room-over-the-world. 10th floor, hmmm… with one leg hanging outside, playing guitar, watching traffic on Niepodleglosci street. Drinking tea and basking in the sunlight. Taking a break from the paper work I need to do till Monday. It was a beautiful day outside, I must say.

There are three new CDs in my collection waiting to be commented. Oh, sorry – four new CDs. But they’re gonna have to wait till I’m done with some more urgent stuff. Unfortunately.

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