Friday, May 30, 2008

ghosts ;)

So you’re standing on the ledge
It looks like you might fall
It’s so far down
Or maybe you were thinking about jumping…

Yeap, these are some lyrics. I do remember the song. I do remember it was on the soundtrack from “Dawson’s Creek” series (it was like... 8 years ago? o_O - I wish I had such a good memory for all the other stuff, heh). I do remember it’s melody and a voice of a singer, but hell, I have no idea what was that song and who is the singer.
Mind: “Ask Google! Google knows everything!”
Me: “Hehe! I always do that!”

Nine Days:
If I am

It came back to me while I was sitting on the ledge of the window in my room-over-the-world. 10th floor, hmmm… with one leg hanging outside, playing guitar, watching traffic on Niepodleglosci street. Drinking tea and basking in the sunlight. Taking a break from the paper work I need to do till Monday. It was a beautiful day outside, I must say.

There are three new CDs in my collection waiting to be commented. Oh, sorry – four new CDs. But they’re gonna have to wait till I’m done with some more urgent stuff. Unfortunately.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Beautiful Mess

Clean your ears, baby!
Missing chords? What missing chords?!!
Shitty recording? NO WAY! Sorry to say so, but it's all about the speakers. They live their own life – unfortunately away from every civilized sound. I discovered this bizarre fact just after spending whole night attached to my mp3 player listening “Sold out” and “We sing” all over and over and over and over…


Saturday, May 3, 2008

mITunes ;-p

It’s chilly.
It’s rainy. [We all love Eastern Poland]
It’s “long weekend”.
It turns out I am not that incapable of playing The Game Poles Play When The Long Weekend Strikes as I used to think, hehe.

Name of The Game: ‘Leżenie do góry kołami’ aka ‘Pierdolę, nie robię!’ In free translation: ‘Fuck! Fuck Them All!’
Instructions: Do everything but what you should or have to do. Also, you may do nothing at all ;-)
Warning: Make sure there are no deadlines breathing down the back of your neck…

According to the rules of our Game I guess there's no purpose to my posting except I feel like I haven't for maybe a billion years. But this probably isn't true. More, it’s even pleasant ^_^
What I have been doing? I’ve been keeping my ears busy :-)

Base lines and expressions:

1. Maxwell: “Embrya” (1998)

They call it Neo Soul (also known as nu soul). I’m waiting for the time when every single musician’s gonna play their own subgenre… Whatever. It tastes like R&B and soul salad with some smooth jazz flavor. And it tastes good I must say. Something like Erykah Badu (‘World Wide Underground’ just needs to be recommended here ).
So… I like the rhythm. I like the beat. I like the tone of his voice. It wasn’t like love from the first listening since the tracks are quite longish but there is a good perspective for a longer relationship. Waiting to get two more albums though.

Voice: B+
Beat: B
Cover: A
Overall Grade: B+

[thanks to ‘Frenchman’ for recommendation :) ]

2. Anthony And The Johnsons: “I am bird now” (2005)

EEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeee o_O
No, thank you.
Actually, I may imagine it’s all undercover music calculated to kill me. I am just not quite sure yet whether to be happy it isn’t or wish it is ;-p

Voice: C
Beat: C+
Cover: D
Overall Grade: C

3. Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss, Gillian Welch: ‘Didn't Leave Nobody But the Baby’ (“Brother Where Art You” Music From The Motion Picture)

I have no foggiest idea where did that come from :D Just…

Overall Grade: B+

4. Jason Mraz: “Sold Out (In Stereo)” (2002)

Emmm… same old songs. Same old Mr. A-Z. Same old good music. And recording just sucks. That’s why I give:

Voice: A
Cover: A
Sound: B
Overall Grade: B+

5. Jason Mraz: “We Sing” (2008)

1/3 of “We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things” album. EP. So, so, so intimate! Mmmmmm… Melting… Me… Melting. I think I am gonna like this new release :-) I can feel it in my ears ^_^
And will hunt it down relentlessly ;-)

Voice: A
Sound: B+ (there are some chords missing sometimes )
Cover: A
Overall Grade: A

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday wins!

Too... tired... to... swallow... even... *blink blink*

What I have been doing? I have been skating, yes I have :) Roller-skating! For hours!

Debeściaki Skate Team is officially back on the track! Nothing big - just Marta and I, you know, but having the equipment back on your feet is fabulousness in all it's glory. It's been six years from the accident in this little sk8park now (and my last visit there all in one) so I really don't think I am able to forget about gravity once again and just do the jumps and flips and stuff. It's too late now and I'm too old for this crap I guess. Sliding can be fun too :) I am not gonna end up on sliding though, no way! I am still able to do some shy jumps and few tricks that don't need me to take off the ground, but they're quite clumsy yet. Mmmmm... challenge... I could make it work. Or I could reach critical, have a total breakdown and run to the hills to live on in legend ;) Not entirely sure about the legend, though. Heh. We'll see. Now I just need to set up some decent logo for our little team :) Another fun, ha! :D

What I have been doing? I have been walking, yes I have :) Around the park, with my mate. For hours!

Yeap, spring has come. For sure. With all it's sun, warmth and those nauseating couples on every park bench, in every bus or tram or subway train. Geeeeesssss... GET A ROOM, PEOPLE!

Sunday wins!
But my ankles are killing me now and my batteries need recharging so please excuse me... :)

Oh, and I clean forgot! I cached up with some tunes lately and there is one more obligatory album to have in one's collection. Soundtrack from "Once", that is. Movie's awesome, music's even more :)

Voice(s): B+
Music: A (there is something about the guitar sound I cannot resist)
Cover (poster): A
Overall Grade: A

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pâté with angels

I walk through a beautiful grassy meadow. Long blades reach my shoulders and I dive into them picking poppies and herbs. The air smells with wild peppermint and clover, the sun beats down pleasantly and warms my face. My hair is long, in the colour of straw and I’m dressed in a white and blue gown. Barefoot…

With an armful of flowers I enter a temple. I’m surrounded by plain, cold columns and walls with windows that look more like hanging in a dark void. I walk directly to a place where the building ends rapidly and falls into a gloomy precipice. And there, in the middle of the darkness I can see a distinguished young woman standing on a ledge, surrounded with pale, warm light. We look into each other’s eyes for a moment. Her look is dark and deep while mine stays cold and suspicious.

She sais:
You were born at frosty winter dawn. You’ve been distrustful since childhood and you remained so. You always walk your own path, never give away somebody else’s nor own secrets. You pursue your goals stubbornly but constantly choose the honest way. You are severe for yourself much more than for the others.
All your life you will follow the illusory light but your hands will stay empty and your heart full of despair. You will loose everything you’ll love and gain nothing you’ll ever want. In your wastefulness, you’ll give the fate the best of you in return for angry word. One day you’ll meet a servant angel walking across your path and for this little moment you’ll find your happiness.

["Dream from Avesta" or "Malache Hasharet" by Megan 08.04.2005]

Saturday, April 5, 2008

First, the squee!

Happy birthday to youuuu,
Happy birthday to youuuu,
Happy birthday dear Filip...

You're twenty two and I'm nooooooooooot ;pp

Have a good one! *smooch* :)
Have a haul!
And a deep and meaningful thought of another year passing ;)

[No honey, you are still not allowed to resort to cannibalism, sorry.]

ditch water

*post has been deleted due to safety issues*

It was a long post hanging here the other night. Very personal.
But I took a look at it again in the morning and it was like alive and kicking and baring it's teeth on me. Breathing down the back of my neck also.
Luckily, there is a 'delete' button for me to defend and it's gone.

Monday, March 31, 2008

movies and backmems

On my first year in collage I (illegally) participated in "Learning English Through Film" classes. As the firs homework on the e-learnig section designed for this course we've been asked to pick up one's favourite movie still, but no one did so we just discussed on our favourite movies.

Today I think I finally found one ;)

("Good Coffee. Cheaper than prozac!" :D)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Ok, we are talking crazy people sounds here!

I am even more than sure that you really cannot ruin anybody's day with the pile of music so I channeled my whole energy to riffle through some random music lurking in all the darkest and shadiest corners of my hard drive. Which was the maddest science ever and the funniest thing-to-do-when-spring-holiday-is-over all in one.

Base lines:
1. Gavin DeGraw – Chariot (Stripped) – squeaky but still good.
2. The Automatic : “Not Accepted Anywhere” – even more squeaky but also crazy. And we like crazy :D Have it for some pretty long time now but "Keep your eyse peeled" still makes it worth comming back to.
3. Mraz. Lots of Mraz. And House MD soundtrack. Still. Rule!
4. And today’s winner is... JUNO!! Ladies and Gentleman, I’ve just got this soundtrack and fall in admiration with it. It’s a totally obligatory ride here! Go Go Stripes!

Those of you who have no idea what I am mumbling about… hmmm, nothing I can do about that ;)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

*drums fingers*

What am I doing here? Well, that's a good question actually.
Showing up randomly on some blogs, typing one or two words and then wandering off. But it is more pressing-buttons-to-see-what-they-do entertainment than just visiting places ;-)

I was about to write a report on the research I run for some little-identified lecture purposes, but it turned out I am brave enough just to poke it with a stick and run away. The only problem is that things poked with a stick usually poke back. So I am waiting for the strike.

First note I posted on my previous blog was about streets, lonely walks and fighting against the whole world (with sex and vodka included). Now I am mumbling something about studies, work and growing up. Owning up too, maybe. But isn’t that just the same old crap? Am I not the same skinny fool learning about biology in the different kind of school?

Now I listen to Mraz and wait for his new album to be released.

Plans for tonight?
There are still some episodes of House M.D and Gilmore Girls waiting for me to watch them. It might be a good plan :-)